A tortenet ott kezdodik, hogy eddig bereltunk moso- es szaritogepet. Mivel en kezdtem egyre kevesbe szeretni, meg a szaritot nem is ereztuk annyira fontosnak, ugy dontottunk inkabb veszunk mosogepet, szaritogep pedig ha nagyon kell, hasznaljuk a kozoset (van egy "hagyomanyos" moso/szarito helyiseg az apartmankomplexumban, mosogep is, van de azt nem haszalnam). Termeszetesen ezt is interneten vettuk! :-)
At first, we rented a washer and a dryer. In two months it turned out that I don't like the washer, and we actually don't need the dryer (there is a laundry room in the apartment-complex, we can use the dryer there, if we need to, but I don't want to use the washer there). Of course, we bought it though the internet. :-)
At first, we rented a washer and a dryer. In two months it turned out that I don't like the washer, and we actually don't need the dryer (there is a laundry room in the apartment-complex, we can use the dryer there, if we need to, but I don't want to use the washer there). Of course, we bought it though the internet. :-)
Ha jol emlekszem "free shipping" volt, azaz ingyenes hazhozszallitas. Szo szerint. Mivel jott a teherauto, mindossze 1 kozepidos ferfival. Rendes volt, de nem tudtam rabeszelni a mosogep felcipelesere. Azt mondta, hogy neki csak annyi van a szerzodeseben, hogy az epulet elott lerakja. Ahhoz pedig megvan a technikaja (emelo szerkezet). Szoval 230lbs (kb 105kg) mosogep, szombat delelott az epulet elott. :) De szerencsere sikerult egesz ugyesen megoldanunk, jo hogy vannak mar itt is barataink. Harman egesz siman felvittuk... :) (G)
If I remember well, we bought it with free shipping... As we used to with other things. This time it meant that there came a wagon driven by a middle-aged man, alone. He was ok, but I could't persuade him to bring the washer up to the 3rd floor. He told me, that according to his contract he needs to put the washer down by the house. To that he has everything he needs. So, there was a washer, weighing 230lbs (around 105 kg) on the sidewalk, on Saturday at 11.00 AM. :-) But in the end we made it, thanks to our new friends here. For the three of us it was almost simple to lift it... :-)
Na, kitalaltatok mar, miert nem szerettem? (Any guess why I didn't like it?)
(Our pretty, brand-new washer... :-) With big capacity...)
(This weekend we were (at least Gabor has been) in the IKEA, too... Now we are sleeping in a real bed. We put it together in an hour, we were skilful. :-) )
hehe, MALM Bettgestell Eichenfurnier :) ugyanilyenunk van, a tietek milyen meret?
VálaszTörléscsak nekem 7esfel honapos terhes koromig kellett varnom, hogy kierdemeljem, ugyhogy Ria, te gyoztel! :)